Saturday, May 19, 2012

Love of a Father for his Child


The above is obtained from Facebook " Fight for Life's Photo"

It is very touching and it makes me to think. As a father I have done many things, scolded my children, spanked them when needed, tried to discipline them through punishment, denied them things which I felt were not appropriate, so on and so forth.

All these things at a later stage in life builds up a feeling of guilt. A father starts thinking if he was right in doing all these things. He thinks whether he was harsh. A father is caught up in a maze of such thoughts and feelings.

But one thing is certain and that is a father loves his children unconditionally. Generally in our Indian society the importance of a mother is well recognized and her sacrifice is spoken of greatly. A father is relegated to the back ground.

But as a father of two children I would like to impress that the love of a father is no less. The only draw back perhaps is the way of showing the love. A fathers love is not vocal.

As a father I love my kids from the bottom of my heart and I am willing to do anything for them. These emotions are not exclusive to me but are universal for all fathers. 

When my son was born I understood the love that my father felt towards me. The nights he must have stayed awake during my illness. The hardship he must have undergone to make two ends meet in providing for my education. The pleasures he must have sacrificed in providing for my future. The sleepless nights he must have spent worrying about my career. The list is endless. 

I had just taken these things for granted. My father was always there for me as I am always there for my kids. 

A father is lucky when the kids realize the sacrifices the fathers have done.

I don't know if my father is lucky enough. I don't know if I have been a good son to my father.

But one thing I can say that my father is a wonderful father.  I don't know whether I am as good a father to my kids. It is for them to judge.

One thing is certain that a father loves his children unconditionally. and I realized this only when my son was born.

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